
St Matthew and St Aidan Anglican Church

The 'church in town' - celebrating over 125 years service to the community and beyond...

  • We are a welcoming community of disciples who are learning, following and practising the Teachings of Jesus
  • Our Mission is to care for those in need in our local community and beyond by putting Jesus' Teachings into action
  • We want to thank all those in the Buckhorn community who help us in attaining our Mission
  • Our ministries go on throughout the week and we gather each Sunday at 10 am for the Holy Eucharist
  • We are a down-to-earth, lively group of people and you will be most welcome to visit

New and Coming this Fall ...

Blessing of the Animals on St Matthew Day

Saturday, 21 September, 11 am to 1 pm - Rain or Shine

  • Drop by anytime between 11 am and 1 pm
  • Our clergy will be delighted to bless your pet animal
  • Get a beautiful Certificate of Blessing (while supplies last)
  • Get a free hot dog
  • Location in front of the church
  • During the recent 'Cast the Net' listening and visioning process, the Anglican Diocese of Toronto heard that there is a hunger to know and love God more deeply
  • To that end, Bishop Andrew (Bishop of Toronto) has called for a two-year Season of Spiritual Renewal, lasting until Epiphany 2026
  • Visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal web-page for all the resources
    • background info
    • timeline
    • prayer resources
    • online workshop registration
    • videos

A prayer for you during the week

A new prayer at the beginning of each week

A Prayer for the People of the United States of America

Let us pray fervently for all our "cousins" in the United States of America. Let us call upon Jesus and implore him to hold their nation in his arms. Let us beseech him for the healing of division, that each person may recognize and acknowledge the worth of the other, and that together all will seek common ground for unity and peace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Source: Parish of St Matthew - St Aidan

People in the Buckhorn and Trent Lakes area often ask us to pray for them

You can too!

  • We'd be happy to pray for you
  • Just let us know and we'll add you to our prayers
  • Our parish priest will be in touch to verify
  • You can also simply ask any member of the parish

Noon Day Prayers on 'Zoom' every Wednesday

Every Wednesday, mid-week and mid-day at noon, a group gathers virtually on Zoom for a few moments of prayer - about 15 minutes

  • This time of prayer sets a few moments aside during the routine of the week
  • It is simple and contemplative with moments of silence
  • Anyone who wishes to join on Zoom is welcome
  • It is also available on our Facebook Page

Every Wednesday at 12 Noon

15 minutes of quiet, reflection, and prayer

Caring for our local community and beyond

About 30 per cent of our annual budget is given in service to others. Here are some of the projects and initiatives that are our focus in 2024

Being the Church is about community

Sharing our blessings: All proceeds from parish events are directed to ministry and to community outreach projects for those in need locally and beyond

Thanks for checking out the BBQ. You're also warmly invited any Sunday 10 am. 
Blessings to you.

St Matthew and St Aidan Anglican Church

The 'church in town' - celebrating over 125 years service to the community and beyond...

  • We are a community of disciples who are learning, following and practising the Teachings of Jesus
  • Our Mission is to care for those in need in our local community and beyond by putting Jesus' Teachings into action
  • We want to thank all those in the Buckhorn community who help us in attaining our Mission
  • Our ministries go on throughout the week and we gather each Sunday at 10 am for the Holy Eucharist
  • We are a down-to-earth, lively group of people and you will be most welcome to visit

Coming in September -- Blessing of the Animals Saturday, 21 September, 11 am - 1 pm Rain or Shine

  • Drop by anytime between 11 am and 1 pm
  • Our clergy will be delighted to bless your pet animal
  • Get a beautiful Certificate of Blessing (while supplies last)
  • Get a free hot dog
  • Location in front of the church
  • During the recent Cast the Net listening and visioning process, the Anglican Diocese of Toronto heard that there is a hunger to know and love God more deeply
  • To that end, Bishop Andrew (Bishop of Toronto) has called for a two-year Season of Spiritual Renewal, lasting until Epiphany 2026
  • Visit the Season of Spiritual Renewal web-page for all the resources
    • background info
    • timeline
    • prayer resources
    • online workshop registration
    • videos

A prayer during the week

A new prayer at the beginning of each week

A Prayer for the People of the United States of America

Let us pray fervently for all our "cousins" in the United States of America. Let us call upon Jesus and implore him to hold their nation in his arms. Let us beseech him for the healing of division, that each person may recognize and acknowledge the worth of the other, and that together all will seek common ground for unity and peace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Source: Parish of St Matthew - St Aidan

People in the Buckhorn and Trent Lakes area often ask us to pray for them

You can too!

  • We'd be happy to pray for you
  • Just let us know and we'll add you to our prayers
  • Our parish priest be in touch to verify your request
  • You can also ask any member of the parish

Noon Day Prayers

Every Wednesday at 12 Noon - 15 minutes

  • This Service sets a few moments aside during the routine of the week
  • It is simple and contemplative with moments of silence
  • Anyone who wishes to join on Zoom is welcome

Caring for our local community and beyond

Over 30 per cent of our annual budget is given in service to others

Here are some of the projects and initiatives that we currently support -- updated to year-end 2023