Location: 1937 Lakehurst Road Opposite TSW Lock 31
St Matthew - St Aidan
St Matthew - St Aidan
-- the church in town --
Welcome to St. Matthew - St. Aidan in Buckhorn, Ontario
Our website is to help you get to know us and for you to know that you are welcome to visit and even to become part of our community if you live nearby ... in the summer or year-round.
Or you may be visiting the Kawarthas, travelling through on the Trent-Severn Waterway, or cottaging in the Buckhorn area. And if you're a full-time resident in the area, check out our year-round events. It would be great to meet you... so know that you are welcome here!
Email us for more info.
We're a small but active and thriving community of faith in Buckhorn, Ontario, about 20 kilometres northwest of Peterborough. We trace our roots back to early days in 1896. But, in these days, we realize how important it is for our parish to discern new ways of being the Body of Christ in an ever-changing new world.
We are actively engaged in serving others -- especially those in need -- within the local community, the nation, and the world.
We invite you to find out more and to join us in our process of discovery.
Blessings and Peace to you!
St. Matthew’s Church was first a frame building in 1896 on Lot 9, Concession 9 of Harvey Township. This lot had been deeded to The Reverend Francis Herbert Hartley by Sam and Marie Purser at a cost of ten dollars. Immediately after receiving the deed, Hartley signed a mortgage for one thousand dollars held by Mrs. K. Demstoner of Peterborough. With these funds, St. Matthew’s was built. Prior to 1897, Services had been conducted by Hartley in a home known as the “Mission House”.
In 1998, St. Matthew's Church amalgamated with St. Aidan's Anglican Church which was an adjacent parish active for 98 years in Youngs Point. The windows, in the present church that are visible from Lakehust Road, were originally in St. Aidan's Church. They were dedicated at the first joint Service of the new parish on 3 May 1998. Today, the parish is known by the name of St. Matthew - St. Aidan.
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