7 good things that came from 2020

7 good things that came out of 2020

Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. He's the author of several best-selling books and speaks to leaders around the world

-- by Carey Nieuwhof

7 good things that came out of 2020

Carey Nieuwhof is a former lawyer and founding pastor of Connexus Church. He's the author of several best-selling books and speaks to leaders around the world

-- by Carey Nieuwhof

You need some good news-as a human and as a leader. We all do.

While 2020 was dominated by crisis, tragedy, division and disease (as this recap of the Top 10 posts of year shows), it wasn't all bad news.

So here's a post on 7 good things that came out of 2020, things you can easily carry into 2021.

In the meantime, here are 7 good things you can carry into 2021.


1. Innovation Got Accelerated

From the very beginning of the pandemic you've known that crisis is an accelerator. A lot of trends (like working from home, online shopping and boosting your internet presence) that might have taken years to take place without a crisis accelerated overnight.

And along with it came innovation.

Disruption happens all the time, even without a global crisis.  Just ask the Kodak about camera phones and Instagram or music artists about Spotify and streaming.

With the move to streaming, video conferencing, distributed gatherings, micro-gatherings and organizations becoming location independent, there is likely more opportunity right now that there are obstacles.

If you're open to change, so is everyone. COVID may have broken your model, but the innovation it demands can give new life to your mission.

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