Annual yard sale… bargain prices on quality items
Prices were at super bargain levels on really great items. Two examples of many: McGregor golf clubs with golf-bag $10, beautiful four-burner BBQ $30. High quality household and cottage wares also at ‘bargoon’ prices. If you missed it this year, find out about next year’s sale and get there early. There was even an ‘east coast’ double slider swing which the purchaser said would be superb for relaxation right next to the lake.
Shoppers were arriving while final set-up was taking place. Soon, the hall was filled with busy shoppers who were looking for special treasures, useful tools, housewares and the like. A Jules Verne book published circa 1919 was a special find for one browser.
Thanks to Eunice and her very able team, all items were of good quality, well-displayed, and certainly worth the trip to check them out. Thanks to everyone in the parish team who helped in anyway in preparing for the sale day and / or at the morning event. And thank you to each person, parishioners plus neighbours and community friends who kindly donated such great stuff for this year’s yard sale.
Check on the date early next summer. There will be more bargains again then.
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Nicely captured Father Glenn. Thank you for “walking by our side” with your active and supportive presence both Friday and Saturday. We truly are family!
Both were fun days! And you’re right: it was like a family working together. Peace and blessings.
Well done Glenn. You are putting us on the map! So proud of our church family.
Nancy Fairweather
It was a great day. Thanks to you and to all involved. Blessings.