Caring for others
Caring for others

The people of St Matthew - St Aidan are committed and serious about putting their caring for others into action. Throughout every year, the parish undertakes a number of special events in order to support those in need in the local community and beyond.
With the continuing encouragement of Father Glenn, parish priest, the Parish Planning Council (PPC) recognizes the importance of the parish's active engagement in doing things that are relevant and that make a positive and visible difference for the community especially for those in need.
"It is not a matter of serving ourselves. The teachings of Jesus are clear and they tell us that our reason for being is to serve the poor and those in need," Father Glenn said.
"We're a small parish in the scheme of things but we try to

It's not a matter of what we can do for ourselves. It's entirely a matter of what we do for others, especially for those in need.

push beyond our weight," Olive Walduck, People's Church Warden, observed.
At the beginning of each year, the PPC plans out events to be held throughout the year. This is coordinated with specific goals to meet needs the council has identified.
In the Fall of 2018, the parish will introduce a new event -- The Ribfest -- in order to keep parish events fresh and fun for those who attend and support these parish initiatives.
Every year, many people from the local community come out to enjoy the special events and to support the work and ministry of the parish.
"We are so fortunate that our parish family and friends of the parish take an active part in supporting our parish events during the year. We think they also have fun being there," Eunice Blakeley, Rector's Church Warden, added.
Total direct outreach dollars in 2017 $3,938.00
- Buckhorn School Breakfast Programme, $1,000
- Cameron House (shelter for those affected by domestic abuse and addiction), 235
- Cameron House -- purses filled with personal care goods
- Primate's World Relief and Development Fund for disaster relief, 350
- Council of the North, Support for ministry in Arctic, 250
- The Warming Room, Peterborough, daily cooked meals for those in need, 350
- Clean Water Project for Pikangikum, Northwest Ontario, 500
- The Healing Fund, TRC, 100
- Sleeping Children around the World, Sleeping kits against malaria, 7 kits, 245
- Lakefield Community Food Bank plus canned goods donations, 125
- Trent Lakes Outreach, Buckhorn and area, 125
- Trent Lakes Community Care, 125
- Victim Services, Peterborough, 125
- Anglican Church Women, Special Projects, 208
- SOS Children's Villages Canada for project in Surrey BC, 200
The parish also contributes to local Trent Lakes Christmas and Easter hamper programmes as well as food goods for local food bank during the year.
All parishes throughout the Diocese of Toronto contribute annually to the work and ministry of the diocese. In addition to the direct outreach projects outlined above, St Matthew - St Aidan will also contribute over 9 thousand dollars in 2018 as its assessment to the diocese which includes support for numerous outreach ministries within Trent-Durham and throughout the wider diocese.
It’s amazing for one to see the list of organizations that our little church helps. One does not realize until we see it listed. It’s just what we do with our Lord’s help and Father Glenn’s guidance.
This little church of ours has a big heart this is the main reason we do what we do. I believe one of our main missions in life is to serve the Lord our God and to help our neighbours, family and friends. God helps those who help others.
Marylou and Don Bowles
I like that: “God helps those who help others”. A nice re-phrasing.
Blessings to you both,