Christmas Tea and decoration demo with Vikki
Christmas Tea at St Matthew - St Aidan
Sandwich delights and tasty sweets plus Christmas decoration demo by Vikki from Griffin's Greenhouses
It was a great day for the Christmas Tea in Hartley Hall on Saturday afternoon, 2 December. The hall was comfortably full of folks from the local community and from the parish. Marion and her team prepared a wide assortment of dainty sandwiches as well as delicious home-baked sweets as a foretaste to the Christmas festive season.
Once again, Vikki Whitney of Griffins Greenhouses in Lakefield, was on hand to make one of her fun, humorous, and highly informative presentations. This year, she focused on decorations for inside the home.
She said that she wanted to give some ideas for home decorations that could work not only at Christmas but also into the winter season. She said, "Winter can be so really l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g and it helps to have fun decorations to bring some new life into the home after the holidays."
Many thanks plus Advent Blessings to everyone who attended and to those who helped. Very special thanks to Vikki for her great ideas and lively presentation.