A gracious gift
During the summer, the members of the Property Management Committee (PMC) installed a new metal ramp at the rear of the church. This was a very kind and gracious gift to the parish by Wendy Northey and the Northey Family. The ramp had previously been at Jean Northey's home.
The gift came at an opportune time since the previous wooden ramp was reaching its 'best-before-date'. The new ramp is made of sturdy aluminum, complete with railings and steps. The PMC added the steps to make the ramp more functional for access to the parish hall.
We wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks to The Northey Family for their very kind and thoughtful gift. We think Jean, their Mom, our faithfully departed dear parishioner, would approve of their decision and applaud their generosity. Thank you and blessings to each of you in the extended Northey Family.
Thank you to Jim and the PMC Team, Nick and Don, for the hard work of removing the old ramp and installing the new one.
What a great gift to our parish. Many thanks to the Northey family.
We are so fortunate to have Jim and Nick and Donnie our PMC to have sussed this out and built this wonderful structure. Thank you lads
Amen to all of that!