
Drop by in Holy Week and at Easter

The 'church in town' - We welcome the Buckhorn community to celebrate Easter

Palm Sunday - Holy Eucharist, 24 March 10 am

Good Friday - Solemn Liturgy, 29 March 11 am

Easter Sunday - Day of Resurrection - Holy Eucharist 10 am

St Matthew and St Aidan Anglican Church

The 'church in town' - celebrating over 125 years service to the community and beyond...

  • We are a welcoming community of disciples who are learning, following and practising the Teachings of Jesus
  • Our Mission is to care for those in need in our local community and beyond by putting Jesus' Teachings into action
  • We want to thank all those in the Buckhorn community who help us in attaining our Mission
  • Our ministries go on throughout the week and we gather each Sunday at 10 am for the Holy Eucharist
  • We are a down-to-earth, lively group of people and you will be most welcome to visit

A prayer for you during the week

A new prayer at the beginning of each week

A Prayer before going to sleep

God our Father, by whose mercy

the world turns safely into darkness

and returns again to light:

we place in your hands our unfinished tasks,

our unsolved problems, and our unfulfilled hopes,

knowing that only what you bless will prosper.

To your love and protection

we commit each other and all those we love,

knowing that you alone are our sure defender,

through Jesus Christ our Lord

Amen.                 Source: Church of South India

Noon Day Prayers on 'Zoom' every Wednesday

Every Wednesday, mid-week and mid-day at noon, a group gathers virtually on Zoom for a few moments of prayer - about 15 minutes

  • This time of prayer sets a few moments aside during the routine of the week
  • It is simple and contemplative with moments of silence
  • Anyone who wishes to join on Zoom is welcome
  • It is also available on our Facebook Page

Every Wednesday at 12 Noon

15 minutes of quiet, reflection, and prayer

Diocese embarks on a Season of Spiritual Renewal

During the recent 'Cast the Net' listening and visioning process, we heard that the people of the diocese are hungry to know and love God more deeply. Bishop Andrew has now called us to begin a two-year Season of Spiritual Renewal from now until Epiphany 2026


Here’s how we see this Season taking shape

  • Jan-May 2024 - Planning, development & communication
  • June 2024 - Providing resources & leadership training
  • Sept 2024 -June 2025 - Focus on prayer, scripture, worship
  • Sept-Nov. 2025 - Focus on sharing the faith
  • Epiphany 2026 - Focus on continuing disciplines linked to renewal

The Rev'd Canon Dr Judy Paulsen, Honourary Assistant at St Matthew - St Aidan, has been appointed Coordinator for the diocesan initiative - A Season of Spiritual Renewal

Learn more about how the world perceives religion

Outreach Focus: Homeward Bound Programme

Homeward Bound Peterborough is delivered by the Peterborough Housing Corporation, serving the City of Peterborough and Peterborough County

Homeward Bound is an innovative wrap-around programme supporting homeless or inadequately housed single mothers to earn college diplomas, start careers and achieve financial self-sufficiency. Peterborough participants are encouraged to pursue careers in the trades. The region is home to Fleming College’s state-of-the-art School of Trades and Technology, and local labour market opportunities for women in the trades are booming.

In addition to financial support, the Parish also provides cleaning and household items for the women in the Outward Bound Programme. Here (on right) is a "cleaning brigade" ready for the residents.

Homeward Bound Cleaning Brigade-1200x800

Caring for our local community and beyond

About 30 per cent of our annual budget is given in service to others. Here are some of the projects and initiatives that are our focus in 2024

A Journey in Learning and Discovery

By all reports: A very popular learning series

Christian Foundations -- A grounding for a Life of Faith

The Christian Foundations Series has been running each Thursday over the course of the fall season. About a third of the parish regular congregation have seized the opportunity to participate.

Feedback is extremely positive. "I'm learning a lot of new stuff and it's fun too," is a typical comment from participants.

The Christian Foundations Series is aimed at helping people to acquire a basic understanding of the Teachings of Jesus.

Enquire about future sessions: let us know.


Being the Church is about community

Sharing our blessings: All proceeds from parish events are directed to ministry and to community outreach projects for those in need locally and beyond

Thanks for checking out the BBQ. You're also warmly invited any Sunday 10 am. 
Blessings to you.

St Matthew and St Aidan Anglican Church

The 'church in town' - celebrating over 125 years service to the community and beyond...

  • We are a community of disciples who are learning, following and practising the Teachings of Jesus
  • Our Mission is to care for those in need in our local community and beyond by putting Jesus' Teachings into action
  • We want to thank all those in the Buckhorn community who help us in attaining our Mission
  • Our ministries go on throughout the week and we gather each Sunday at 10 am for the Holy Eucharist
  • We are a down-to-earth, lively group of people and you will be most welcome to visit

Diocese embarks on a Season of Spiritual Renewal

During the recent 'Cast the Net' listening and visioning process, we heard that the people of the diocese are hungry to know and love God more deeply. Bishop Andrew has now called us to begin a two-year Season of Spiritual Renewal from now until Epiphany 2026

Here’s how we see this Season taking shape

  • Jan-May 2024 - Planning, development & communication
  • June 2024 - Providing resources & leadership training
  • Sept 2024 -June 2025 - Focus on prayer, scripture, worship
  • Sept-Nov. 2025 - Focus on sharing the faith
  • Epiphany 2026 - Focus on continuing disciplines linked to renewal

Learn more about how the world perceives religion

A prayer during the week

A new prayer at the beginning of each week

A Prayer before going to sleep

God our Father, by whose mercy

the world turns safely into darkness

and returns again to light:

we place in your hands our unfinished tasks,

our unsolved problems, and our unfulfilled hopes,

knowing that only what you bless will prosper.

To your love and protection

we commit each other and all those we love,

knowing that you alone are our sure defender,

through Jesus Christ our Lord

Amen.                 Source: Church of South India

Outreach Focus: Homeward Bound Prgramme

Homeward Bound Peterborough is delivered by the Peterborough Housing Corporation, serving the City of Peterborough and Peterborough County

Homeward Bound is an innovative wrap-around programme supporting homeless or inadequately housed single mothers to earn college diplomas, start careers and achieve financial self-sufficiency. Peterborough participants are encouraged to pursue careers in the trades. The region is home to Fleming College’s state-of-the-art School of Trades and Technology, and local labour market opportunities for women in the trades are booming.

15 minutes set aside for quiet and stillness on 'Zoom'

Every Wednesday at noon, a group gathers virtually on 'Zoom' for a few moments of prayer ... about 15 minutes

  • This Service sets a few moments aside during the routine of the week
  • It is simple and contemplative with moments of silence
  • Anyone who wishes to join on Zoom is welcome

A Journey in Learning and Discovery

By all reports: A very popular learning series

Christian Foundations -- A grounding for a Life of Faith

The Christian Foundations Series has been running each Thursday over the course of the fall season. About a third of the parish regular congregation have seized the opportunity to participate.

Feedback is extremely positive. "I'm learning a lot of new stuff and it's fun too," is a typical comment from participants.

The Christian Foundations Series is aimed at helping people to acquire a basic understanding of the Teachings of Jesus.

Enquire about future sessions: let us know.

Caring for our local community and beyond

Over 30 per cent of our annual budget is given in service to others

Here are some of the projects and initiatives that we currently support -- updated to year-end 2023