Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Notes for Homily, Maundy Thursday 2021
- Our liturgy tonight for Maundy Thursday speaks for itself.
- It was on this very night that Our Lord Jesus Christ shared his Last Supper with the disciples.
- It was from this very night that we have the Holy Eucharist.
- The week had begun with a sense of hope and expectation as Jesus entered Jerusalem.
- But now, the mood and the situation was changing. Things may not be as people expected.
- With a growing sense of tension, I think the disciples were wondering.
- And so, it is also on this note that the cycle shits and we move down toward Good Friday.
- It is a bittersweet moment as are other moments in the cycles of life.
- It was also on this very night that Jesus demonstrated his model of servanthood to his disciples by washing their feet,
- How Jesus demonstrated this caring and this humility is a continuing model for us as disciples.
- May this example of sacrifice sustain each of us always but especially may it sustain us in these very days.
The Reverend W. Glenn Empey