A message from Glenn+
A message for Advent and Christmas
30 November 2017, Feast of St Andrew
Greetings to each of you as we enter the Season of Advent,
I want to extend to you warm greetings for the Advent Season in anticipation of our celebration of Christ’s Birth at Christmas. Blessings to you.
Because Christmas Eve falls this year on a Sunday, it takes priority over the Fourth Sunday of Advent so there are only three Sundays in Advent this year. We will not hold a morning Service on Sunday 24 December so that our people and members of the community may focus on the Eve of Christmas as our main celebration.
In addition to Christmas Eve, there will also be a quiet Service at the church on Christmas Day at 10 am.
Christmas Eve this year, at St Matthew – St Aidan, promises to be a wonderful time of celebration. We are indeed blessed that the Knights-Wever family will bring us some fantastic music for Christmas on viola, horn, trumpet, and keyboard. Between the two of them, Shannon and Scott Wever are members of the Toronto Symphony, the National Ballet Orchestra, and Tafelmusik, You may hear some of the recordings by those orchestras on CBC Radio this time of year.
Susan and Jonathan Knights (parents of Shannon) are accomplished musicians in their own right. And, Archdeacon David Peasgood will be the organist for the Christmas Eve Service. We have a new organ and the sound is amazing!
We hope you will be able to come out Christmas Eve. It’s at 7 pm. Friends, families, neighbours are most welcome as are members of the local community.
My reason for being in touch is to let you know about what we’ve planned for Christmas Eve and also to let you know about what’s up for 2018. And whether you’re able or not to join in our Celebration on Christmas Eve, I want you to know that we are thinking about you and we will hold you in our prayers.
I also know very well, from personal experience, that Christmas can be a challenging time for some us. My prayer for you, in that case, is that the hope re-presented to us at Christmas may kindle a light in your heart when the darkness seems heavy. You especially are in my heart and prayer.
With that sense of peace and hope in mind, I want to wish you blessings at Christmas. May the Light of Jesus glow in each of our hearts.
Faithfully in Christ,
Glenn +
The Reverend Glenn Empey
Parish Priest