Parish marks two Jubilees
On two recent Sundays, St. Matthew – St. Aidan’s has marked two Jubilees in the life of the parish. The Venerable David Peasgood has served in Christ’s Church for fifty-two years since Ordination. The Reverend Canon Doctor Jack Roberts reached his fiftieth year milestone in ministry. The parish celebrated these momentous occasions for each clergy on 21 and 28 August.
During the Service each Sunday, Father Glenn gave some reflections about the events that were happening back in the mid-1960’s. Then, on behalf of the parish, he presented each clergy with a special token of appreciation — a photo of the church with an inscription to mark fifty years in ministry. After the Eucharists, the people gathered for refreshments and a cake that honoured each clergy. David and Jack have long-time connections with the parish. We are grateful to have both of them as part of the parish family.
Congratulations. Thank you. And Blessings to Jack and Mary and to David and Clara!