Pentecost message from Bishop Andrew
Message from Bishop Andrew at Pentecost
“Stay in Jerusalem,” Jesus told them on Easter. Stay until you have been clothed with power from on high. So, for fifty days they remained all together watching, waiting and praying for that day to come.
Since the third Sunday of Lent (that’s 65 days and counting), we have been dwelling in a time of disruption, anxiety and trouble. We have been unable to be all together in one place. Unable to gather for the Eucharist or baptism, funeral or wedding, ordination or even coffee hour as we were once accustomed. It is a sacrifice we have made for the sake of our neighbour. And yet in these strange times, we have found the divine in disruption, we have heeded a holy shove to stand in front of video cameras to preach and to pray. We have learned to live-stream and post. We have studied the Bible by Zoom, conducted meetings by teleconference. We have found our voice to rouse peace and blessing, life and forgiveness.

As promised at Synod to be available by Pentecost, the Canon for Marriage within the Diocese has been updated.