Sleeping Children Around the World
Parish continues support for Sleeping Children Around the World
Bedkits provided by parish were distributed in and around Chennai, India at Christmas 2018
According to a recently received note from Sleeping Children Around the World, the bedkits provided by St Matthew - St Aidan were distributed in time for Christmas 2018.
As Sleeping Children Around the World emerged in 1970, its purpose was crystal clear: give every child the opportunity to have a good night's sleep. With sleep, the promise of a better tomorrow is realized.
The consequences of deprived sleep are well documented. It is a fact that poor sleep leads to long term issues, especially in young children. Sleep has tremendous effects on health, memory, emotions and academic potential. No child should ever be deprived of a peaceful sleep.

Bedkits have benefitted more than a million children in 34 developing countries around the world and are largely comprised of the following items:
- A mat or mattress/bedding
- A mosquito net to combat the threat of malaria & other vector-borne diseases
- Schoolbag and school supplies
- Clothing and footwear
All items are sourced locally where possible, with positive economic impact to the local community.

Note: The children in photo were provided with bedkits by the ACW on behalf of our parish priest. In addition, the ACW also provides bedkits for numerous other children in Chennai and area.