Give feedback on your experiences

during the pandemic

photo - W Glenn Empey 2015

Take survey on your experiences during the pandemic

from the world-wide Anglican Communion

The Anglican Communion: Covid-19 and Church-21 -- What now and what next?

Our new survey is now ready!

from York St John University, UK

If we have learnt anything since last March it is that, with COVID-19, nothing stands still. Just when you think you have worked out what’s going on, another twist in the saga seems to plunge you back to square one. Has Lockdown 2021 simply returned us full circle, or are we in a different place now from last March? Since then, a lot has changed, and we have also learnt great deal. What is different this time is that vaccines offer a genuine hope that there will be a better future somewhere down the road. So now seems a good time to take stock and look ahead.


We would like to get a sense of how clergy and lay people are coping with the current lockdown. The blossoming of different forms of online and socially-distanced worship has shown the creativity of local churches, but also the variations in how much can be achieved. We’d like to make a detailed audit of what has been done, and what those who produce or access services make of them now. Lockdown church life has become more familiar, but have we grown to like it any better?


Our work with personality helped to bust the myth that introverts would love lockdown and extroverts would wither away. Not so, but the picture is complicated, and we would like to gather more data to test out some new ideas.


Finally, we want to know what people think about the future of the church post pandemic. We would like to see if opinions have shifted on things like the fragility of the church and the future of virtual church, as well as asking about some more general theological issues. Lockdown has made us re-evaluate the role of Holy Communion in worship, and some have also wondered about how we can understand the role of God in the pandemic.


The Covid-19 & Church-21 survey is your opportunity to be part of this crucial research project. It will take about 20 minutes of your time, which will enable you to give a thorough picture of your experiences and opinions. Thank you if you took part last time, and we look forward to seeing what emerges now. 


Use the link below to start the survey.

Background Info on the C of E Surveys

The online survey Coronavirus, Church and You ran from 8 May to July 2020. Over 7000 people took part.

Although intended for the Church of England, it was open to clergy and lay people from any denomination in the UK. Linked surveys were run among Roman Catholics in the UK and Ireland, and in the Episcopal Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf.

An initial analysis of data for the Church of England (4700 respondents) was released at the end of June 2020. Since then we have produced reports for the other surveys and are continuing to publish articles and academic papers.

We are preparing a second survey, which we hope to launch during the 2021 lockdown.

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