With many thanks

Special tokens of thanks and appreciation


On Sunday, 7 January, there was a surprise on hand for "the three lads". The surprise was a heartfelt thank you to Donnie, Nick and Jim for their care and cleaning of the parish facilities throughout the year. Also, included in the crew is Don Bowles who was away due to work obligations. He and the other "lads" each received a gift card from the nearby Adult Toy Store -- more recognized by the name Canadian Tire. Our most sincere thanks to each of the lads.

Another person who plays an immense role in the behind-the-scenes functioning of the parish is Eunice. On Sunday just prior to the Presentation of the Gifts at the Eucharist, Father Glenn presented a special token of thanks to Eunice on behalf of the parish. Each week she prepares the Order of Service and bulletins along with scheduling and coordinating readers, intercessors, and lay administrants. A special gift card from The Keg was how the people of the parish offered their appreciation.

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